St Gildas Catholic Primary School

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Year 6

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Year 6 Spanish lesson is every Tuesday afternoon ¡Gracias!

Year 6 Speaking and Writing language scaffold

¡Hola Year 6 

Welcome to your year 6 Spanish Class Page


Remember, little and often will help you to learn Spanish and French more quickly 

Year 6 Spanish and French 2022-23

Summer  / l'été  2023

You've all made a great start to French this half term. Keep practising and singing. Let me know if you have passed any of the Linguafun certificates at the beginning of Summer 2. Bonne vacances! (happy holidays)smiley

♫ La Chanson des Couleurs ♫ French Colors Song ♫

Salut! (27th June /le 27 juin

Lesson 9 Les couleurs (Saying your colours in French and learning the rainbow song: L'arc en ciel)

Bienvenue! This week you are going to take a trip to the very top of the Eiffel Tower and practise your French speaking! You are also going to learn some colours in French and learn how to sing the Rainbow Song: L'arc-en-ciel


Fantastique Year 6!yes Lovely speaking today and I am very impressed at how quickly you learnt some colours in French. Here is the audio recording of you singing: L'arc-en-ciel heart

Year 6 Song L'arc-en-ciel (Rainbow song) 2023.mp3

Aprende los nombres del 1 al 20 (Numbers 1-12 in French)

Salut! (13th June /le 13 juin

Lessons  7 and 8  Numbers 1-20 and saying how old you are in French

Bienvenue! This week you are going to learn how to learn how to say how old you are:

Quel âge as-tu? (How old are you?)

  J'ai ..... ans           (I am 'lit: I have' ....... years old)


 1 un  2 deux  trois  4 quatre  cinq  6 six  sept  8 huit  9 neuf  10 dix

11 onze 12 douze 13 treize 14 catorze 15 quinze 16 seize 17 dix- sept 18 dix- huit

19 dix- neuf 20 vingt

Petit Poulet - Chicken Little in French (with English subtitles)

"Chicken Little" in slow French with English subtitles, retold by How is Petit Poulet feeling at the beginning of the story? How is he feeling at the end of the story? Can you tell me in French?

Salut! (23rd May /le 23 mai

Lessons 5 and 6 French: Greetings and feelings (Display flowers)

Bienvenue! This week you are going to learn how to learn how to say how you are feeling and recap Saying your name and where you live:


1 Comment t'appelles-tu? (what is your name?) Je m'appelle .. (my name is..)

2 Oú habites-tu? (where do you live):  J'habite à Yeovil (I live in Yeovil)

3 Comment ça va? (how are you ?):      ça va bien (I'm feeling good)  

                                                                comme çi comme ça/pas mal     (so so) 

                                                                ça va mal (I'm not feeling good.) 

Où habites tu?

Learning how to say where you live. This is quite a catchy song!

Salut! (16th May /le 16 mai ) 

Lesson 4 French: Saying Where you live.

Bienvenue!   We are going to learn how to say where we live in French and also start to learn the French alphabet.

Comment t'appelles-tu? (what is your name)

Je m'appelle .... ( my name is....)

Il s'appelle ...... (He is callled)

Elle s'appelle .... (She is called)

Où habites-tu? (where do you live?)

J'habites à Yeovil (I live in Yeovil)

Comment tu t'appelles - Comptine-jeu congolaise (avec paroles)

French is spoken in over 30 countries around the World. This song is from the Congo in Africa and it is a game helping us to learn how to say our name in French.

Salut! (2nd May /le 2 mai ) 

Lessons 2 and 3 French: Saying your name in French/ saying his and her name

Bienvenue!   We are going to learn how to say our name in French and add to our new list of French Phonics. In lesson 1 we discovered that French is spoken in 30 countries. In lesson 2 we will listen to a story from Louisiana where French was spoken and is now making a come back. The story is a Cajun version of The Gingerbread Man :)


Comment t'appelles-tu? (what is your name)

Je m'appelle .... ( my name is....)

Il s'appelle ... (his name is...)

Elle s'appelle (her name is...)

LA CHANSON CHOCOLAT - Les Enfantastiques

This is a lovely French song. Can you work out what it is about! :)

Salut! (25th April /le 25 avril) 

Lesson 1 French: Introduction to France, French phonics and the alphabet

Bienvenue! We're going to have a Summer of 'taster' French. I'll post links to stories, songs and vocabulary pdfs here.  Also, the link for French Linguafun so you can practise the alphabet (and other topics) at home. You will need your log in details. Click on the pdf lesson FRENCH LESSON 1

Spring  /Primavera 

♥ What A Wonderful World! ♥ ¡Qué Mundo Tan Maravilloso!~by Louis Armstrong-Letra en inglés y español

Your challenge here is to sing along with Louis Armstrong, but in Spanish! Just follow the lyrics. We will be practising this in class.

¡Hola y feliz año nuevo! Welcome back year 6 to your last term of Español!crying

We have lots to do this term!

Canción/Song:  we'll start off the New Year by learning a new song in Spanish, you might recognize it: What a wonderful world/ ¡Qué mundo maravilloso! by Louis Armstrong

Hobbie topic: We need to finish this topic! Giving opinions about sports we play and do.

Verbos/verbs: learning all about Spanish AR verbs and how they work. How many Spanish verbs or 'infinitives' can you think of that end in AR? Have a think enlightened

Spanish chatting: Lots of this so we're all confident talking about ourselves in Spanish.

Spanish Verb Conjugation Song with BASHO & FRIENDS - Verbos, Verbs

A song to help you learn how to conjugate the three groups of verbs in Spanish: -AR, -ER, -IR

Focus: AR verbs

Grammar: Looking at how to form AR verbs. Do you know what the following infinitives (verbs) mean: bailar, cantar, hablar ? Remove the AR and add the following endings (in red) to regular verbs.

yo canto (I sing) tu cantas (you sing)  él canta (he sings)  ella canta (she sings)  

nosotros cantamos (we sing)   vosotros cantáis (you sing plural) ellos  ellas cantan (they sing)

Year 6; if you complete this lesson and worksheets, please let me know and feel free to hand the worksheets in to me after you have completed them for marking. I will leave a folder by our class Spanish display smiley

Autumn 2 /Otoño 2

¡Hola! This half term leading up to Navidad, we will learn a Mayan song called Koonex, Koonex (to go with your Mayan topic).

Spanish Poem: Learn a Spanish poem called Mariposa del Aire by Federico García Lorca. Remembrance Day: Find out about how France commemorates the day with 'Le bleuet' (a cornflower, not a poppy...)

Topic on Hobbies: Learn how to give opinions about our different hobbies.

Navidad: We will add one last Spanish Christmas Carol to our long list of Spanish Carols.

A la nanita nana by Baby Listen - Spanish lullaby with English translations

A beautiful version of this classic lullaby -A la nanita nana’s origins lie in Spain at the turn of the 20th century, when the song was composed as a Christmas carol by José Ramón Gomis and was published in 1904.

With very little practise today learning this new Carol, you did a great job Year 6. ¡fantástico! yes

Year 6 Spanish Christmas Lullaby A La Nanita Nana.mp3

Autumn 1 /Otoño 1

Lessons 1 -5 / martes, 27 de septiembre

Back to Spain: Revision of Year 5 Spanish basic questions and answers

¡Hola! We're back in Spain this year. We'll start by revising our basic Spanish speaking and writing from Year 5. We will also be looking at Moorish Spain and reading a story by Michael Morpurgo called 'Toro, Toro'. This story is based in Spain and is set at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. It is about a boy called Antonito and his pet bull / un toro, called Paco/se llama Paco smiley

Year 6 Spanish and French 2021-22

Au revoir Year 6!

Bonjour et au revoir Year 6  (Thursday 21st July/jeudi le 21 juillet) 

We have managed to fit in a lot of 'introductory French' in a short space of time. I'm very proud of you all!  Keep practising and learning languages. Next year you may be learning Spanish, French or another language. I'm sure many different language experiences will be offered to you at your schools.  I am leaving you with one more song (by Basha and friends) it is his Au revoir song, we didn't quite have the time to learn it. You can sing it at home :) 

La classe de français # 4

Before we start today's lesson, let's catch up with TON TON! We are trying to learn how to count to ten in today's video. Tonton is slowing things down as normal! Learn how to count to ten.

Language from this episode of Ton Ton

il y a - How many? or there is/there are...  / combien - how many/ des crayons - pencils (notice how the french say 'crayons' for 'pencils' enlightened/ dans le sac - in the bag (remember from last week, sac sounds like the English word 'sack') So:

il y a combien des crayons dans le sac? How many pencils are there in the bag?

Il y a dix - There are 10


Numbers to 10: 1 un 2 deux 3 trois 4 quatre 5 cinq 6 six 7 sept 8 huit 9 neuf 10 dix


Salut! (7th July /le 7 juillet) 

Lesson 7 French: Numbers 1-10 / Les nombres de 1 à dix

Bienvenue! This week you are going to learn how to count up to 10 and to say how old you are.

I will not be in class on Thursday and quite a few of you are away, so I am up loading my teaching power point for you with all the links and language you need to learn. Email me if you have any questions. Enjoy learning your numbers up to 10 in French smiley

Salut! (23rd June /le 23 juin) 

Lesson 6 French: Colours / Les couleurs

Bienvenue! This week you are going to learn some colours in French.

La classe de français #2

Welcome to lesson 2 of our French series for kids!Today Tonton is being really naughty and making his friends upset!Learn how to ask 'how are you?' in French...

Salut! (9th June /le 9 juin) 

Lesson 5 French: Greetings and feelings

Bienvenue! This week you are going to learn how to learn how to say how you are feeling and recap Saying your name and where you live:


1 Comment t'appelles-tu? (what is your name?):  Je m'appelle .. (my name is..)

2 Oú habites-tu? (where do you live):  J'habite à Yeovil (I live in Yeovil)

3 Comment ça va? (how are you ?):      ça va bien (I'm feeling good)  

                                                                comme çi comme ça/pas mal     (so so) 

                                                                ça va mal (I'm not feeling good.) 

Où habites tu?

Saying where you live - Countries (quite a catchy song!)

Salut! (12th  May /le 12 mai) 

Lesson 4 French: Saying Where you live (towns, cities) 

Bienvenue! This week you are going to learn how to say where you live.

Où habites-tu? (where do you live) J'habite à Yeovil (I live in Yeovil)


Salut! (12th  May /le 12 mai) 

Lesson 2 and 3 French: Saying your name in French

Bienvenue! This week you are going to learn how to ask and say your name in French. I thought we'd meet Paris. Watch the clip below to give you a clue! wink

Primavera 2/ Spring 2 (2022)

Spanish Verb Conjugation Song with BASHO & FRIENDS - Verbos, Verbs

Start to learn how to conjugate Spanish verbs with this song. Remember there are 3 groups of verbs. Those ending in AR, ER and IR. Have fun!

Lesson 6   jueves17 de marzo 2022

Focus: AR verbs

Grammar: Today we will be looking at how to form AR verbs. Do you know what the following infinitives (verbs) mean: bailar, cantar, hablar ? 

yo canto (I sing) tu cantas (you sing)  él canta (he sings)  ella canta (she sings)  

nosotros cantamos (we sing)   vosotros cantáis (you sing plural) ellos  ellas cantan (they)

Lesson 5   10 de marzo 2022

Focus: General look at Infinitives and Verbs

Grammar: After a general look at how tenses work in Spanish, we will have a look at Spanish subject pronouns. You have already met these. Tomorrow, we'll make sure we know them really well!

yo  (I) tu (you)  él  (he)  ella (she)  nosotros (we)   vosotros (you plural) ellos  ellas (they)


Primavera 1/ Spring 1 (2022)

No se habla de Bruno

Lesson 3 9 de febrero 2022: Mindfulness week 

Focus: Finishing our topic on personal adjectives: a quick quiz 

Grammar: The verb SER (to be): soy (I am)  es (he, she is) PRESENT TENSE

Adjectives: viejo(a) (old), guapo(a), hablador(a), inteligente, deportista, gracioso(a), simpático(a) ,tímido(a), majo (nice, pleasant), guay (cool)

This week we will be doing some Spanish Mindful Activities, a quick quiz on our adjectives and some artwork. 

After half term we will be finishing our Spanish journey at St Gildas, by looking at how to conjugate regular AR verbs (A bit of a mouthful, but you'll find this quite a fun activity!) and one last go at chatting and writing about ourselves in Spanish smiley


Hola to those of you away. If you wish to follow our Spanish lesson today, click on the pdf below.

1 The first slide has a Spanish mindful breathing exercise, and a tongue twister!

2 Then there is a Quiz for you to do on personal adjectives - let me know how you get on.

3 A drawing activity: you will draw 'outside you, exterior' and 'inside you, interior': your hobbies, what you are like, positive adjectives please:) 

4 To finish there is a song from Encanto with some information about it and another one to cheer you up afterwards! If you still want to do some more Spanish, have a go at the dance routine from Encanto.

Have fun/Disfrute 

Lesson 2 27th January 2022: Fiesta de San Gildas (Descriptions in the third person)

Focus: revising adjectives and describing a religious person.

Grammar: The verb SER (to be): soy (I am)  es (he, she is) PRESENT TENSE

PAST TENSE (using the imperfect) LLAMARSE (se llamaba - was called) SER (era - he,she was) TENER (tenía - he, she had) 

Adjectives: viejo(a) (old), guapo(a), hablador(a), inteligente, deportista, gracioso(a), simpático(a) ,tímido(a)

I will not be teaching Spanish this Thursday, Mrs Frost will be teaching you. During Spanish this week you will be watching and listening to Year 4's Mass for Saint Gildas.  However, there will be some time for some Spanish activities smiley and I am also posting a homework for you to do. Please see the pdf. ¡Gracias!

Homework/deberes: Extra adjectives to describe someone. Remember: Soy (I am), Es (he,she is) Era (he, she was)

Cuentos infantiles en español; No todos somos iguales libro infantil en español

¿Alguna vez te has sentido diferente a los demás? (have you ever felt different to others?) Este cuento nos habla de aceptación de querernos tal y como somos (this story tells us to like ourselves just as we are) y querer a los demás sean como sean.( and to like others just as they are... :)


Lesson 1: Descriptions in the third person: 

Revising the 3rd person and adding on an adjective to describe a character in the 1st/3rd person

Focus: Preparing to learn how to describe our own character and that of someone else.

Grammar: The verb SER (to be): soy (I am)  es (he, she is)

Adjectives: guapo(a),hablador(a),inteligente, deportista, gracioso(a),simpático(a) ,tímido(a)

We will start the New Year learning how to describe ourselves and others,thinking of positive adjectives to use. You will listen to a lovely story called No todos somos iguales

We're not all the same. I am posting some vocabulary from this lesson and warm up activities for you to do.

Otoño 2/ Autumn 2 (2021)

Christmas Carol: Tutaina Tuturuma

¡Feliz Navidad! Autumn 2/Otoño 2     jueves, nueve de diciembre 2021

Lesson 9: Descriptions in the third person: Revising the 3rd person and adding on an adjective to describe a character in the 1st/3rd person. We will continue with this lesson after Christmas, hopefully! In the mean time, you could try to find out the meaning of the adjectives below. Use the language scaffold at the top of the page to help you.

Focus: Preparing to learn how to describe our own character and that of someone else.

Grammar: The verb SER (to be): soy (I am)  es (he, she is)

Adjectives: guapo(a),hablador(a),inteligente, deportista, gracioso(a),simpático(a) ,tímido(a)


I am sorry you did not have your Spanish Christmas lesson today or receive your Spanish Certficate in person. I will give them to Señorita Dyer to hand out. Check the main MFL page for Christmas Carols that we have been learning over the years and some new ones! Also, for other Spanish Christmas activities. Let me know if you achieve any of the Linguafun unit certificates. 

I am posting a version of the jazzy Christmas Carol (one of my favourites) that we would have been learning today:Tutaina Tuturuma Have a listen, it is quite tricky to say but practice makes perfect!laugh. Tip: Listen to the song/then listen again and you can stop it, practice the words, then play some more. Enjoy! ¡disfrute!

Feliz Navidad Year 6

Lesson 8   Otoño 2,  25 de noviembre 2021

Focus: Writing in the 3rd person

For extra practice from today's lesson use the language scaffold at the top of the page to help you write a simple description of a family member or a famous character from a story or film.

Linguafun extended activities: 

Working on our numbers up to 100. Go to Linguafun and work through the units 51-60. Learn your numbers to 100! This is ongoing work, not to all be finished next week!

"Laudado Si" el cuidado de la casa común

debemos cuidar la creación que se nos ha confiado - This is taken from Pope Francis's second encyclical about the 'care for our common home'

Lesson 7   Otoño 2,  11 de noviembre 2021

Focus: Laudato Si:

Revising our Bi lingual dictionary skills (Spanish/English)

Writing and comparing the 1st person with the third person

Today we will be looking up lots of new words from Laudato Si as well as writing about and describing Pope Francis (Papa Francisco) and David Attenborough. Two people who care deeply about nature and the world. Question: Can you tell me about Laudato Si? 

Home Learning: To use Linguafun to learn vocabulary for the Family 'La Familia'

Home Learning extension: 1 Learn extended vocabulary for the family (from the film 'Coco') and draw your  family tree. An interesting way to find out about your own family! Or you could investigate a famous family such as the one from Coco smiley

2 Design a poster for Laudato Si: watch the above clip, listen to the Spanish song for Laudato Si (see below or main MFL page) and design a colourful poster to illustrate it. You can draw, use collage, ICT. Whichever you prefer, make it colourful! This does not have to be completed by the end of next week.

In Lesson 8: We will continue with our writing in the 3rd person. You all did really well with this today. It was quite tricky! We'll get to meet the characters from the film 'el libro de la vida'. Can you remember the title of this film in English? We'll start to watch the film too.


Recuerdos de la Alhambra - Tarrega. Pablo Sáinz-Villegas

Lesson 6   Otoño 1,  21 de octubre 

Focus: Gingerbread writing assessment - 10 Basic Questions (using more complex language)

We will be doing lots of writing today and a last sing of our Mariposa song. Remember you can always keep singing it at home to family and friends :)

I am posting the recording of you all singing 'La Mariposa' today. Enjoy/ ¡disfrute!

Have a lovely half term and remember to check out the Lumens challenge worksheet that I handed out today. It doesn't have to all be finished over half term! wink 

Year 6 La Mariposa Autumn 2021.mp3

Lessons 4 and 5:   Otoño 1,  7 de octubre -14 de octubre

Focus: Revising our 9 Basic questions from year 5 (and a visit to Segovia wink)

We will be doing lots of speaking in today's lesson. We'll revise language from year 5 and make sure that we are confident before adding on new language. We'll try to speak from memory too, our challenge for today!

I'm posting some links for you to practise your: months, numbers to 30 and a fun song about pets!

Lesson 6, last lesson before halfterm: Spanish gingerbread writing. Remember to practise!

Lessons 2-3:   Otoño 1, 23 de septiembre y 30 de septiembre

Focus: Spanish poet - Federico García Lorca' 

Today we started to learn the poem La Mariposa - ! Well done Year 6

Federico García Lorca was a famous Spanish poet who was killed during the Spanish Civil War. It is a beautiful poem - I am posting a pdf with the words (which we will learn in class) and a link to it, just click on the picture Listen to them again and have a go at reciting the poem along with the hand signals.

Next lesson we will be practising our poem, copying it out and making some origami butterflies with the poem on it!

Lesson 1:   Otoño 1, 15 de septiembre

Focus: Moorish Spain 'Los Moros' - I hope you enjoyed your lesson on Moorish Spain.

Please have a go at these fact sheets from Euroclub school for some more interesting information.

Year 6 Spanish and French 2020-21

Au revoir Year 6!

Bonjour et au revoir Year 6 cryingsmiley (Thursday 22nd July/jeudi le 22 juillet) 

We have managed to fit in a lot of 'introductory French' in a short space of time. I'm very proud of you all!  Keep practising and learning languages. Next year you may be learning Spanish, French or another language. I'm sure many different language experiences will be offered to you at your schools. Look after your 'Paris in a box'heart I am leaving you with one more song (by Basha and friends) it is his Au revoir song, we didn't quite have the time to learn it. You can sing it at home :) 



Summer 2/  l'été 2 (2021)

Numbers Song in French. Une Chanson des Chiffres.

To learn numbers 1-10

Salut! (Thursday, 1st July / jeudi, le premier juillet) 

Week 4 French: Numbers 1-10:  Les nombres de 1 à dixsmiley

This week in class we will revise our French phonics, name, feelings, colours and then we are going to learn our numbers from 1-10 (I'm also enclosing a link for numbers up to 20 in French - I'm sure some of you will want to count higher!) We will also learn how to say how old we are in French: Quel âge as-tu? (How old are you?) J'ai dix ans, J'ai onze ans (I am ten, I am eleven years old) Note! In French, as in Spanish, we say 'I have ten years old' etc. We are also going to read our Transition story: Un Lion à Paris

 For homework  (les devoirs)  I would like you to finish your French number booklet that you will start in class today and for extra devoirs, use Linguafun to practise numbers 1-10 in French and also how to say how old you are. Click on the links below. You will need your Linguafun username and password.

♫ La Chanson des Couleurs ♫ French Colors Song

French song to teach you the colours

Salut! (Thursday17th June / jeudi, le 17 juin) 

Week 4 French: Colours:  Les couleurssmiley

This week in class we will revise how to say our name and how we are feeling. You are going to learn the colours in French and we will also find out about Notre Dame - hopefully you'll know something about this famous French monument located in ........ from your research!. If there is time we'll re design the famous Rose window with our new knowledge of French colours!  For homework  (les devoirs)  I would like you to use Linguafun to practise the colours in French. Click on the links below. You will need your Linguafun username and password.

Summer 1/  l'été 1 (2021)

Beginner French For Greeting People Sing-Along Song | BASHO & FRIENDS 4k Learning | Bonjour - Hello

Learn to greet people in French!

Ton Ton, La classe de français #2

Welcome to lesson 2 of our French series for kids!Today Tonton is being really naughty and making his friends upset!Learn how to ask 'how are you?' in French...

Salut! (27th May /le 27 mai) 

Week 3 French: Greetings: How are you? Comment ça va? Ça va bien smiley

This week you are going to use Linguafun to learn how to ask how someone is feeling, some more French phonics and learning a 'Greetings' song. You are also going to watch a Ton Ton clip. How is he feeling? Is he being nice to his friends?! You can also listen to some more of the story called Le Petit Prince by Antoine de St Exupéry.

Did you do your research on some famous French places? Remember to bring in your homework worksheets so you can talk about these famous places.

Salut! (13th May /le 13 mai) 

Week 2 French: Learning how to say your name: Je m'appelle

This week we are learning how to say our name in French, some more French phonics and listening to a story called Le Petit Prince by Antoine de St Exupéry.

We will visit some famous French places. I am setting you some research homework to do over the next couple of weeks and I would like you to find out about these places. You will be given a worksheet in French tomorrow to take home. To answer the questions you will need to click on the Euroschool club link below smiley

Comment tu t'appelles - Comptine-jeu congolaise (avec paroles)

French is spoken in many other countries. This song is from the Congo in Africa and it is a game helping us to learn how to say our name in French.

Salut! (29th April /le 29 avril) 

Week 1 French: Introduction to France, French phonics and the alphabet

Here are the links for the French alphabet song that we learnt. Also, the link for French Linguafun so you can practise the alphabet at home. You will need your log in details. Click on the pdf lesson FRENCH LESSON 1



¡Hola Year 6 !  

Welcome to your year 6 Spanish class page.  I will be posting home learning Spanish  every two weeks.


¡Hola! et Bienvenue! This is a sad and really exciting moment as we come to the end of our Spanish learning at St Gildas (you can still carry on learning with Linguafun and all the other resources I post on our MFL pages if you wish to) smiley After the Easter holidays we will start learning French. I am going to make a start by posting 'La Bénédiction'(The Blessing) in French on my main MFL page. Have a listen and have a go at joining in with some of the wordsheart

Happy Easter, Felices Pascuas and Joyeuses Pâques


French Certificates 

Let's see who receives the first French certificate in year 6 next term!



Enjoy and remember - little and often will turn you into  great linguists!

Spring 2/  Primavera 2 (2021)

Hola, I think it is a good idea to have a routine of doing your Spanish on a Thursday, as this would have been our 'Spanish and Music' day. If you want to do more Spanish, please do!

29/01/21 In Year 6 this year, we are back in Spain. We have already learnt a poem by the Spanish writer and poet Federico García Lorca. A little later on we will be looking at Moorish Spain. We will also be looking at the Spanish Civil War through the eyes of a little boy called Antonito and his beautiful black bull, Paco. The story is called Toro Toro and is by Michael Morpurgo. Normally I would read this to you in class, instead I will be reading and recording a chapter for you each week. To listen to the story, click on the 'star' labelled Toro Toro just below here.

Spanish Verb Conjugation Song with BASHO & FRIENDS - Verbos, Verbs

A fun way to learn the verb conjugations. This covers all three groups of verbs: AR/ER/IR How do the endings differ? What change in pattern do you notice?

Lessons 6 and 7 (25 de febrero y 4 de marzo) 

Topic focus: Learning how to conjugate a regular AR verb. In Spanish there are 3 groups of verbs ending in: AR/ER/IR. The regular verbs follow a set pattern and are easy to learn. The irregular verbs like 'tener' have to be learnt individually. We learnt 'tener' in year 5. We started with the trickier one first! You should find this quite easy smiley


Learning objective: This week, we will learn how to conjugate the regular AR verb: Hablar (to speak) We will watch a teaching clip from Lightbulb Languages and we'll learn how to say which languages people speak.


Grammar:  yo Hablo (I speak), tu hablas (you speak), él, ella habla (he, she speaks), nosotros hablamos (we speak), vosotros habláis (you 'plural' speak), ellos, ellas hablan (they speak)


Lightbulb Languages: Watch the clip 'conjugating the verb to speak' and then have a go at the two activity sheets. Don't worry if you can't print. You can write the work, photo and email it to me. 

Spring 1/  Primavera 1 (2021)

Gary Lineker: Match of the Day in Spanish | Physical Education - Speaking Sport

Gary Lineker presents Match of the Day in Spanish and talks about his time playing in Barcelona FC.

Lesson 5 (11th February) Just one lesson this week as next week is half term smiley

Topic focus: Sports: giving opinions and reasons/Los deportes/ Introduction to some new Spanish conjunctions

Learning objective: This week, we will learn how to say 'because' (porque). 'Why' we enjoy playing a sport. We will also watch BBC celebrity supply teacher: Gary Linekar gives a Spanish lesson!

Grammar:  Juego (I play from the infinitive Jugar - to play) hago (I do or I practice from the infinitive Hacer - to do)  Giving opinions: Me gusta , me encanta, no me gusta odio

Giving reasons: porque es  Spanish conjunctions: Y (and) pero (but) además (besides) sobretodo (especially) sin embargo (however)


Week 5 lesson:

1 First practice your sports vocabulary with the sports vocabulary practice sheet.

2 Then see use the second work sheet to see how many sentences you can speak and write to talk about the sports you practice: include likes, dislikes and reasons. Make sure to use a range of conjunctions. There are five on the sheet for you to use.

Extra: Make a poster of your favourite sports, illustrate and give reasons. You could also mention the sports you don't like and why.


Extra Spanish

Warm up to our Spanish lesson with this familiar alphabet song from BASHO & FRIENDS - El Alfabeto


Lessons 3 and 4 (28th January-4th February)

Topic focus: Sports and giving opinions/Los deportes/ Introduction to two Spanish verbs

Learning objective: We will be viewing two clips from Lightbulb languages (see below) and doing the activities to go with each clip.

Lesson 3: we will revise sports from lessons 1 and 2 and add on two verbs: Juego (I play) and hago (I do or I practice).

Lesson 4 I would like you to learn how to give your opinions about different sports you play.

Grammar:  Juego (I play from the infinitive Jugar - to play) hago (I do or I practice from the infinitive Hacer - to do)  Giving opinions: Me gusta heart, me encantaheartheart, no me gustafrown odioangry


Flow chart to help you talk about sports you play.

Sports Flow Chart: You could have a go at recording yourself about a sport you play and why you like it. Or you could make a poster: drawing or use ICT to make a 'jazzy' poster. Remember to give your opinions in Spanish. Don't worry if you can't print, just take a photo and email it to me.

'Cómo bailan los caballos andaluces'

Remember this! A beautiful example of horse riding:

Lessons 1 and 2 (14th -21st January)

Topic focus: Sports/Los deportes

Learning objective: This week and next week you are going to learn how to say 12 sports in Spanish using Linguafun: 

Grammar: Me gusta (I like) / No me gusta (I don't like)/ revise masculine and feminine nouns/ conjunctions: Y (and). pero (but), también (also)

1 Linguafun: Go to No 23/Los deportes

2 Vocabulary: Lesson 1: Click on the yellow Presentación. Practise the 6 sports. Click on the ABC to see how the sports nouns are spelt. Practise each 'sport' noun again, this time looking at the spellings.

Actividad: Play all the yellow activity games to practise your new vocabulary.

4 worksheets: Please do the worksheets 1 and 2. Don't worry if you can't print. You can draw the pictures and label them. Take a picture (remember to write your name!) and email them to me. 

Lesson 2: Now go to the Green Presentación to learn 6 more sports and all the green activities that go with this. This time do the: Sentence building/Comprehension and Unit quiz. Print out your certificate or let me know you have passed the unit.

worksheets: Do the 'sports' worksheets 3 and 4


When you have finished look at all of the sports and write: 5 sports you like to do and 5 sports you do not like to do. Example: Me gusta la natación pero no me gusta el rugby

Lessons 3 and 4 we will be adding on more hobbies and looking at Spanish verbs: 'the infinitive' Can you tell me what a verb is?

Linguafun sports worksheets
Video links

Extra Spanish:

1 Year 6 Spanish workbook (By Rachel Hawkes): If this is too hard, look at the year 5 workbook. Some of the topics will be new. Use Linguafun to help you learn the vocabulary.


2 Oak National Academy, Year 7 Spanish, Unit 1: For those of you who would like to stretch their Spanish ( a lot of this unit will be familiar to you ).

3 All about me Spanish workbook: an enjoyable project to do. 

Autumn 2/Otoño 2

¡Hola Y Feliz Navidad Year 6! (Week/Semana 14, 15 de diciembre) 

Keep singing your Spanish Christmas Carols over the holidays. Remember to look at my main MFL page for Spanish activities. There is also a  nativity story and a Christmas film. You might remember this film from Year 3 smiley I'm hoping you will understand more of it in Spanish.

¡Hasta la vista y nos vemos en 2021!

¡Hola! (Week/Semana 12, 4 de diciembre) 

This week I would like you to continue practicing 'La Mariposa' by Federico García Lorca

We will have a class recital next week.

Linguafun: You can access this and go to Feliz Navidad 52. Do some of the Spanish Christmas activities.

Christmas Carols: Practice the Spanish carols that you have learnt in previous years. We'll sing these and learn a new one next week.

Unfinished work: Go back to previous weeks and finish anything that needs finishing!

  I look forward to our final lesson of the term and this year, our Spanish Christmas Lesson

¡Hola! (Week/Semana 11,  27 de noviembre) 

I hope you all enjoyed learning the poem 'La Mariposa' by Federico García Lorca in yesterday's lesson. I certainly did! I was very impressed with your interpretation of the poem and also with how well you learnt to recite it with the hand actions in such a short time.


We're going to practice this poem some more. I would like you to be able to recite it with confidence for our Spanish Christmas lesson in two weeks time. I also include a craft activity making a 'mariposa paper fan'. This is for you to have some craft fun and also to practice your Spanish writing.


Click on the enclosed pdf. Slide 1 picture of the poet and Pablo Picasso Slide 2: Listen to both versions of the poem again. Slide 3 Listen to the translation of the poem. Go back to slide 2 and practice reciting the poem in Spanish with the hand actions to match. Challenge: See if you can do this from memory! 

I look forward to hearing your poems at our Spanish Christmas lesson

in two weeks timesmiley

¡Hola! (Week/Semana 10,  20 de noviembre) 

I am sorry you did not have a Spanish class this week year 6. Don't worry, I have lots for you to do, so read on! Staying with the topic of 'mi familia'(unit 5) you can practice this further using linguafun: presentation, activities and end of unit quiz (print the certificate if you can) Keep learning the vocabulary I gave you last week. If you have time please watch the following clip about how to say the 'names of siblings' (se llama...., tiene....). This is an easy start and reinforcement of the third person which we will be looking at in more detail a little later on.  ¡hasta la vista! See you next week.

I will be testing you next week! wink

Spanish 21: saying the age of brothers and sisters

¡Hola! (Week/Semana 9,  12 de noviembre) 

As it is Remembrance Week, I thought we would learn a poem by Federico García Lorca called 'La Mariposa' (The Butterfly). He was a famous Spanish poet who was killed during the Spanish Civil War. It is a beautiful poem - I am posting a pdf with the words (which we will learn in class) and a link to it, just click on the picture.

Homework/Deberes: to get you used to using your Yr 6 MFL page, I am setting you the task this week of learning the vocabulary for 'la familia', which you will need in order to watch the film 'Coco'. Please watch the video clip to learn the vocabulary and have fun playing the games. You can also access Linguafun. I will be testing you next week!

Spanish 22: working out new family words

Enabling children to work out new family vocabulary using the pattern of family words already learned

¡Hola y bienvenidos! (Week/Semana 8,  5 de noviembre) 

This week, Year 6 are starting the second half of Autumn term by re-visiting (we first met this festival in Year 5) the Hispanic festival for 'Día de los muertos' (Day of the dead). It takes place on All Saints (1st November) and All Souls (2nd November). We looked at the tradition of making an ofrenda (an altar to remember loved ones) and decorating it with their favourite foods, drinks, photos, flowers, candles. I am posting a video story about a family getting ready for this special day and a couple of extra craft activities for pupils to do at home. From next week we will be watching the film 'Coco' (in Spanish with English subtitles - we started this film last year but were not able to finish.... ) and starting our topic on the family with descriptions using the 3rd person.

Story about a family getting ready for the Day of the Dead

Autumn 1/Otoño 1

Hola (Week/Semana 7/ 22 de octubre)  This week we have been revising lots of Spanish grammar by looking at Pablo Picasso and his pets! We have revised: masculine and feminine nouns, adjectives and adjectival agreement, sentence order. For more practice please go to Linguafun: No 6 Mis animales /activities 11 and 12. You can do the other activities if you want or need more practice with pets.

Have a lovely half term holiday year 6. Check out the autumn activities on the main page :)

¡Hola! (week/semana 6 /15 de octubre)

This week we are revising our Spanish colours and looking at the life and artwork of the Catalan artist, Joan Miró. Why not have a go. Watch the following clips from Lightbulb languages to revise your colours and the short animated clip that brings Joan Miró's artwork to life. Enjoy :)

2 Spanish revision video clips(2020)

Spanish 8: saying 6 colours

Enabling children to say 6 colours in Spanish.

Spanish 9: saying 5 more colours

Enabling children to say 5 more colours in Spanish.

The Garden, Joan Miro, Animated Painting

An animated painting. The Garden by Joan Miró.

Los Colores

Spanish 17: saying 6 classroom objects

Enabling children to say 6 pencil case items.

Learn Spanish Class Vocabulary with BASHO & FRIENDS - 60 Second Spanish - Classroom Phrases

Get ready for Spanish class by practicing these useful school phrases such as raising your hand, standing up, sitting down, reading, writing, listening, and ...

Spanish 19: describing with colours and the verb ser

Enabling children to describe someone or something using colours and some part of the verb ser.

Spanish 44: describing hair

Enabling children to describe hair using colours

Spanish 45: describing singular parts of the head

Enabling children to describe hair, the head, the mouth and the nose using colours

Spanish 46: describing your eyes

Enabling children to describe their eyes using colours

Spanish 40: counting up to 99

Enabling children to count up to 99


Lockdown French

French Lesson 2: Greetings
