St Gildas Catholic Primary School

Care, Courtesy, Consideration and Congratulations

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Chaplaincy Team

Welcome to our Chaplaincy Team page.  

This page will show you who are the Chaplaincy Team, what they do and any support of help they may need from the school community.

If a child is interested in joining the Chaplaincy Team please encourage them to approach Mrs Frost.

Information about our Parish Church, The Holy Ghost, Yeovil, can be found on the link below: 

Outside prayer area

The Chaplaincy team have been supporting others in the school to use the prayer bucket of resources to encourage prayer and reflection outside. Developing prayer life around school was an action on the Chaplaincy action plan.

Children have been enjoying the outside prayer area in the sunshine.

Chaplaincy team Values Celebration of the Word

Easter in a Box

Please look at the Catholic Life & Mission page for further information on this deepening understanding initiative.

The Big Lent Walk

The Chaplaincy team are organising the school community to join in with the CAFOD campaign The Big Lent walk.  The target distance for the community to walk during the 40 days of Lent is 1000KMs.  Please use the recording sheets below to record the distances you have walked each day.  Donations can be made to CAFOD -


CAFOD Live Simply Award

The Chaplaincy team are leading the school to achieve the Live Simply Award.

The Live Simply award is an opportunity for Catholic communities - parishes, schools, religious orders and chaplaincies - to respond to that invitation.
The award invites groups to celebrate how they already live simply and gives them the focus and
inspiration to go further.

17 October 2023

Sorry we have been a bit quiet on here recently.  We have had a change in leadership and have had a new recruitment drive for the Chaplaincy team.  Below is a photo of our latest Chaplaincy team, who have already been productive through leading whole school Liturgies and support our Monday Liturgies.  They are currently working on writing a new action plan and planning to gain the CAFOD Live Simply award.  This week the Chaplains have been given the challenge to share more information with their classes.

We will commission the new members of the Chaplaincy team after the half term holidays and we are hoping Father Sujith will do this during a school Mass - further details will be shared when we know more so Parents can attend.

Chaplaincy Development Plan 2023-2024

Chaplaincy team 2023

April 2022


Easter Bonnet parade and Easter colouring competition.

Wow!  Amazing creations!  What a lovely sunny event it was.

Thank you everyone for entering and donating eggs for The Easter Bingo charity fundraising event.


We look forward to seeing you at 'The Easter Bingo' charity fundraising event in on Thursday, April 7th in the School Hall.

See the school bulletin for further details.

Lent Liturgies

Pray more in Lent


Remember to visit ''. 

There is daily prayer reflection suitable for older children.

Go to the menu.  In 'Prayer Tools', scroll down and you you will find a 'Daily Offering for Children' and a special 'Examen' for Children or The Family'.  

These can help you to give thanks for your blessings today.

They are all set to beautiful music and lovely pictures to help you reflect.


Look out for the new Rosaries on your Reflection Area. 

Ask a member of the Chaplaincy Team and they will show you how to pray the Rosary.

March 2022


Thank you to everyone who donated to the DEC in the CAFOD website and the Red Cross website.  The children certain looked colourful in their yellow and blue clothes. 


Thank you everyone who donated items for Ukraine.

Sandra kindly dropped them off at the collection point in 'Cow and Apple'.

Thank you Sandra for sorting this.



Remembrance Mass 2021

Due to the new restrictions, Whole School Mass will be celebrated differently this time.

Remembrance Mass will be celebrated with Y6 & staff, Father and Mrs Cahill playing the piano at The Holy Ghost Church, Yeovil.

All other classes and staff will join in via live streaming on the following link below: 


Thursday 11th November 9.15 -10.15am 


The children and staff shall also be gathering on the playground at 

11am for a two-minute silence as a school community.


Please join us on the live streaming link above.

Congratulations to all the children who made their

First Holy Communion on

Saturday 9th November 2021, at our parish church,

The Holy Ghost Church, Yeovil.

Go Green for CAFOD

Thank you everyone for donating to the CAFOD charity fundraiser.

Mat at The Lord's Larder Food Bank has sent us all a wonderful 'Thank you' letter.

The Chaplaincy Team Met in October to recite the Rosary.

The Harvest Collection is ready to go to the 'Lord's Larder'. Thank you, everyone, for your kindness and generosity.

Here is a powerpoint to explain all the amazing activities St Gildas Chaplaincy Team has been part of this Year.

Planting Seeds of Hope

Look out for sunflowers popping up in school and all over Yeovil!

A local supermarket has kindly given every child in school a packet of sunflower seeds and a poem.  Please join in with 'Planting Seeds of Hope' in the local community by planting your seeds at home.  You could plant them in your garden or on a sunny windowsill.

Please care and look after your seeds and watch them grow. 

Soon you will cheer everyone up as they pass by.

St Gildas Chaplaincy Team planting 'seeds of hope'

Celebrating St Gildas Feast Day 29th January 2021! Look out for other activities on class pages.

Have you visited the CAFOD website recently?

Copy and paste the link below into your browser. 


There are some great ideas in the Kidz Zone. 

Harvest Celebrations 2020


Thank you for your generous Harvest contributions.


All classes collected tinned food and food packages for the Lord's Larder in their class. 


We celebrated with a Whole School Mass which was watched via live stream from The Holy Ghost Church, Yeovil.  Thank you to Year 5 for leading Mass at the parish church and to Year 4 for leading the Bidding Prayers.


Thank you to all children, parents and staff for making it such a wonderful celebration.  The Lord's Larder were delighted with your kind and generous donations.

Harvest 2020

29.06.20 is the Feast of St Peter and St Paul. Please copy this link:

Remember God is always with you. Please copy this link into your browser:

St Gildas Chaplaincy Team members commissioned by Bishop Declan at Clifton Cathedral.

Thank you for your generosity! 17 shoe boxes filled for the Christmas Shoe Box appeal.

Shoe box Appeal

Please read the above poster to help support the Chaplaincy team in raising awareness for those less fortunate than us.  Please supply any small gift from the suggestions above.  Your child will hopefully come home and talk about the age group the class are building the box for but if you have other gifts more relevant for other ages please bring them in and we will build additional boxes.

Please bring gifts next week - 11/11 - 15/11.

Thank you in advance

'Missio Fundraiser'

Thank you for your support with the 'Missio Fundraiser'. 

A massive £305 was raised by all.

Throughout October the whole school worked as individual classes or key stages to make money for Pope Francis' favourite charity.  Events included 'wear what you like day',  'bake-off session', pyjama day, 'design a creation' and making and selling chocolate apples.

Many thanks for all your involvement and support.

Harvest Mass and collection for The Lord's Larder

St Gildas Chaplaincy Team 2019-2020.

St Gildas' Chaplaincy Team received training along with members of the Dunstan Partnership on 4th October 2019.  

The children were inspired by the training at Bridgwater and spent the day reflecting and planning on how to help people in our community.  

Our academic year focusing on children helping others and prayer.


This year St Gildas’ Chaplaincy Team has been working hard to fundraise for Mary’s Meals.  Instead of choosing something for the whole school to do to fundraise we let the children pick a way they wanted to fundraise to encourage them.  After picking a way of fundraising we executed our plans.  As a chaplaincy team we ran a stall to create prayer pebbles and we did prayer walks around our school.  

We raised £ 504.68 altogether.  A HUGE 'Thank You' to everyone.

This year we also had the privilege of carrying the Lampedusa Cross.  Class by class we walked to our local church whist carrying the cross and praying.

Fundraising For Mary's Meals

Clifton Diocese Pilgrimage Cross

On Thursday 14th March, the Clifton Diocese Pilgrimage Cross arrived at St Gildas Catholic Primary , Yeovil.  The chaplaincy team gathered all seven classes in the hall for a worship assembly to explain about the cross and pray for people on difficult journeys.

Every class designed a journey of prayer walk stations to follow around the school and The Holy Ghost Parish Church so that in total 25 miles were walked as a school community.

Each class made crosses in class during the day ready for the Reflection at the end of the day.

Feelings about my day with the cross:

'I felt great knowing Jesus was with me, protecting me.' 

'I felt relaxed listening to prayers on the prayer walk.'

'I felt peaceful, joyful, really calm and reflective.' 

'I felt honored and privileged to hold the cross.' 

'I wish we could have had it a bit longer because it gave me time to think about others.' 

St Gildas and Holy Ghost Church Parish Links

Advent worship

The chaplaincy team lead whole school worship on Monday 3 December.  They introduced the school to the Advent wreath and the meanings behind the individual candles.

They also introduced the school to the Year of Prayer and the plans they have for the whole school to become involved with it.

Advent Worship during the Year of Prayer.

Chaplaincy Commissioning

Chaplaincy Commissioning


On Friday 30th November 3 of our new Chaplaincy team members went to Clifton Cathedral to take part in the Commissioning service.  They received their badges from Canon Bosco and they joined in with the singing and dancing showing their pride and commitment to their Chaplaincy role.  They also carried our school banner with pride.  Well done Dinara, Amelia and Raf.

The children who couldn't attend the service will receive their badges during Worship in school.

Chaplaincy Training Day with the Dunstan Partnership.

November: Whole School Remembrance Mass and Reflections.

CAFOD Fundraising Day.

Whole School Harvest Mass and collection for the Lord's Larder.
