St Gildas Catholic Primary School

Care, Courtesy, Consideration and Congratulations

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Letters from the Headteacher

Welcome to my page where I will share my letters and communications.  If you have any questions or queries about anything I share please come and speak to me.

FoSG letter

Welcome back Tuesday Twitter

Multi-Academy Trust information

Friday 30th April 2021

Apologies for the delay in posting a message, the start of this term has been exceptionally busy for many reasons.  I hope you all had a restful Easter and are now appreciating being able to get out and about a bit more.

During this term we will be completing our Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) work.  Please check class pages as the plans for this work is now posted so you will be able to check what your children will be learning.

Hopefully towards the end of the the term we will be able to do some more face-to-face work and even possibly hold whole school worships and masses.

Please continue to contact class teachers if you have any questions or concerns.

Alison Frost

Friday 12th February 2021

As we finish for the half term holidays I would just like to thank you all for everything you have done to support your children and the school.  It hasn't been the easiest of half terms and certainly isn't how we wanted to start 2021, we are hoping that we will see everyone back in school very soon.

Please enjoy spending time with your family bubble, but remember to continue following the guidance as you have been doing.  I have posted a video below that gives some ideas for promoting good mental health in children, I will be trying some with Stanley.

Enjoy the break and take care of each other!


Alison Frost

Children's Mental Health Week

Friday Flier

Thursday 5th November 2020

Can all parents please try to keep noise to a minimum in the mornings.  Could you also please try and wait away from the houses as the neighbours are not appreciating the additional noise our new system is causing.


Thank you in advance


Alison Frost

Monday 30th November

Monday 23 November

Tuesday 3rd November

Friday 23rd October

Tuesday 13th October

7th October 2020

Drinks and food

Can I please remind all families that children should only bring drinks of water in a bottle for during the day.  If a child has a packed lunch then a carton of juice or a small amount of squash is permitted.  A packed lunch should contain a source of carbohydrate and protein e.g. a sandwich, pasta or salad, maybe a small bag of crisps or savoury biscuits, fruit and vegetables and possibly a source of dairy e.g. yogurt or cheese.  A small bag of sweet biscuits are permitted but these should not be excessively chocolate based and should not be a 'chocolate bar' or sweets.  If a member of staff is not happy with the contents of a lunch box parents will be contacted regarding this.

Please support us in trying to maintain a healthy environment for our pupils to learn and grow.  

September information

Class structure for September 2020

Friday 26th June 2020

Friday 5th June 2020

Monday 11th May 2020

Monday Messenger 27.04.2020

Easter messenger

School closures

Still image for this video
Parents, please take notice of this video. We all have families we need to go home to and so we need to limit all contact to help to stop the spread of the virus. Where possible children should remain at home and only use school if urgent. Please let school know of when children will be in so we can monitor attendance effectively.

Monday Messenger 27-01-2020

Thursday News 19-12-19


I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry and Peaceful Christmas and a productive New Year.

Thank you for all your support over the last year.

Tuesday Twitter 06-11-19

Shoe box Appeal

Please read the above poster to help support the Chaplaincy team in raising awareness for those less fortunate than us.  Please supply any small gift from the suggestions above.  Your child will hopefully come home and talk about the age group the class are building the box for but if you have other gifts more relevant for other ages please bring them in and we will build additional boxes.

Please bring gifts next week - 11/11 - 15/11.

Thank you in advance

8 October 2019

Thank you to the 2 parents who came to the parent forum yesterday.  As attendance to these meetings is not improving I will not hold another meeting this term.  I will plan a meeting in the Spring term and will post the date on the calendar.

In the mean time, if you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact me via the school email address and I will endeavour to reply swiftly.


Mrs Frost

7 October 2019

Dear all,

This is a quick reminder to all parents that St Gildas has a school uniform and all children should be sent to school wearing the correct uniform.  If there is a problem with the child's uniform this should be discussed with the class teacher as soon as possible.

The uniform guidance clearly states that all children should be wearing shoes to school.  These should be specific colours and should be safe for school.  Children should also be wearing plain dark (navy, grey or black) or white socks.  Class teachers will be sending notes home regarding this and if the wearing of non-school uniform persists then there will be consequences for the child within school.

If you are unsure of the uniform please have a look on the uniform page on the website.


Mrs Frost 

Welcome back

22nd July 2019


Thank you so much for all of the responses from the Parent questionnaire sent out.  I have collated all of your feedback and have the responses ready to share.  Please have a look at the attached document which shares the responses.  

Your honesty has given us some areas to work on and these will be developed throughout the year.

Parent questionnaire July 2019

September 2019 Information


During next week the whole school will be exploring Sex and Relationships Education.  Each class will visit the Life Education classroom which will be based at Huish Primary School, if you are willing to help walk your child to and from Huish please speak to the class teacher.

Also during this week all classes will be using the A Journey in Love programme exploring relationships and sexual development in greater detail.  Parents are able to withdraw their child from these sessions, however we would prefer all children to leave St Gildas with a consistent understanding of living in the current social climate.

A letter explaining this programme is attached below and an overview can be found on the website;

Key Information - Curriculum - Education for Personal Relationships

If you have any further questions please speak to the class teacher. 

Feedback from Parents Forum 20-05-19


  • Parents discussed the use of the website and whether it was being used effectively.  Parents would like the calendar updated more regularly.  Parents suggested putting homework links on website to make families look at it.
  • A suggestion to limit the traffic issues on the Avenue was to hand out parking permits to all parents when they join the school.  Feedback on this welcomed.
  • There will soon be a notice to all families explaining that the PTA may have to cease operation due to lack of support.  Please offer your time and support as all parents are members of the PTA.  Next PTA event will be the Quiz (replacing the Summer Fete) on Friday 5 July.
  • Parents discussed the need to publicise the school as much as we can and also try and get children to more sporting events.  A previous suggestion of setting up a Facebook page is currently being explored, concerns over the need to 'admin' this were raised.  Transport to sporting events can be an issue and parents discussed whether any parents have had recent minibus driving training and would be willing to support by driving.
  • The school needs a tidy up and some redecoration.  Parents discussed the viability of a working day where families come and are assigned activities to do as a group.  Food and refreshments would be supplied by the school.  This would potentially happen on Tuesday 23 July.  Please let me know if you would be able to help out.


The next meeting will be scheduled in the next academic year.  


Mary Street


Dear Parents and Carers


Over the last 4 school weeks, whilst entering Mary Street in my car, I have almost knocked 5 children from St Gildas over.  Please remind all children who are walking to school that Mary Street is a frequently used road and children must stop and look both ways.  I know this is an issue and I ensure that I stop on the duel carriageway but other road users may not be so careful.

Please discuss road crossing with all of your children to ensure they are able to get to school safely, the duel carriageway by the hospital roundabout is not a safe crossing point.


Mrs Frost

Kilve Court Holiday club information


Feedback from Parents Forum.

  • Communication with teachers has been raised as inconsistent, especially when children move to Key Stage 2 and contact with teachers only happens after school.  To help parents communicate directly with teachers you are encouraged to email the school office address and in the subject bar add FAO and the class teachers name.  This email doesn't need to contain the communication but can request for the staff member to phone you or to request a meeting.
  • Parking on The Avenue was discussed.  All parents in the meeting accepted that the Marion Hall needs blocking off between certain times of the day, Mrs Frost will visit Father and discuss the options.  Mrs Frost agreed that this will need monitoring by school staff and she would arrange this.  If parents are struggling with parking legally on The Avenue they should come to the office and get a parking permit for Goldcroft car park.  If parents are unable to walk their children from Goldcroft car park Mrs Frost will set up a walking bus using 2 members of staff to collect the children and bring them to school.
  • Mrs Frost will look in to getting more notice boards for the playground to ensure all notices are publicised clearly.  This will include a weekly timetable of events to hopefully ensure all families know what is going on.
  • Mrs Frost will update the website regularly with information families need to know regarding safeguarding issues.  All parents should remember to check the website regularly to keep up to date.
  • The parents in attendance were not keen on having the meetings in the evening especially if the numbers attending are poor.  The next Parent Forum will be held on Monday 20th May @ 2.45.

Guidance for keeping children safe online
