St Gildas Catholic Primary School

Care, Courtesy, Consideration and Congratulations

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Key information

PE - This year, our PE days will be Thursday and Friday. 


Swimming - We will be swimming on every Wednesday morning from 18/09/24 until 27/09/24 and then we will begin again on 22/01/25 until 2/04/25. We are always looking for volunteers, so please let me know if you are available to help! smiley


Year 4 multiplication check - At the end of Year 4, all students will participate in the national Times Tables Check, which includes 25 questions covering the 1-12 times tables. By the end of the year, every child is expected to know their times tables from memory, and our goal is for all students to achieve 100%. I have added some helpful websites for extra practice on the homework page.

Brilliant books
