Catholic Life
Mission Statement
Our Mission at St Gildas is to provide high quality education in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment that builds on a foundation of gospel values: kindness, truth, courage, justice, hope, the love of God and of each other.
We show this by being caring, courteous and considerate to each other and celebrating each other’s successes.
As a Catholic school, we learn about God and His church. We learn together, we play together, and we pray together especially in the celebration of Collective Worship.
We belong to a diverse community celebrating faiths and cultures that are part of the wider world by sharing, respecting, and understanding others.
We will try our hardest to encourage everyone in our St Gildas school family to work together for the common good promoting respect, fairness, and love.
Our school motto is: Where learning and God are one.
DCET Vision and Mission
DCET policies
Yeovil Together Festival
For the last 2 years we have competed in the Yeovil Together festival which celebrates the multicultural nature of Yeovil. Recordings of our entries 'The Blessing' 2022 and 'Wonderful World' 2023 can be found on the MfL page through the link below.
Father Sujith visit to Year 5
Father Sujith came in to talk about why he became a priest, how he became a priest (his training etc) and what he does as a parish priest. The class came up with the questions to ask him - some of them were really good!
Refugee Week 17-21 June 2024
Refugee Week is the world’s largest arts & culture festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary. This week is dedicated to caring for the strangers in our midst, so that we can respond to Pope Francis’s call that “No one…remain excluded because of his or her place of birth, much less because of privileges enjoyed by others who were born in lands of greater opportunity.” (Fratelli Tutti 121)
We will be using a new document, Love the Stranger, which presents a Catholic response to refugees and migrants, with 24 guiding principles rooted in Catholic Social Teaching. We will be doing this through daily Liturgies and exploring the resources created by CARITAS and the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.
Please see below for activities to complete at home.
This video has been shown in school and it introduces refugees to children
Update on the Top playground developments - the wild meadow is finally looking good!
Easter in a Box
After some recent Chaplaincy training at the Diocese we have decided to use Easter in a Box to develop our thinking around the Easter story. This idea has come from The Bristol School Connection, which is a charity working within and around Bristol helping churches to serve their local schools and to work with them to create imaginative spaces for spiritual development.
Easter in a Box is a resource aimed at primary school children in Years 3–6. It creates an imaginative space to explore the Christian Easter story together. Children are invited to imagine they are on a movie set watching the filming of ‘Easter – The Movie.’ The movie is based on the biblical account of Easter Week.
Easter in a Box is a series of 6 small boxes containing props which, when unpacked, reveal the plot of ‘Easter – The Movie’. (Note: You will need to collect/purchase the props and other activity objects – there is a comprehensive resource list included in this resource.) Firstly, there is the Movie Trailer Box. This box contains props which help set the scene for ‘Easter – The Movie’. The other boxes contain props from the scenes of ‘Easter – The Movie’:
■ Scene 1: Palm Sunday
■ Scene 2: The Last Supper
■ Scene 3: In the Garden
■ Scene 4: Trial and Crucifixion
■ Scene 5: Resurrection
Children unpack the boxes in order and are invited to ‘watch’ each scene in their own imaginations. They then engage in an activity to help them apply what they learn to their own lives.
A big thank you goes out to Mrs Gibbins who has worked really hard to gather the resources needed for this. We are hoping to run it again next year and open it up to more children across KS2.
Easter in a Box has been completed and 'most' of the children have enjoyed taking part and have shared some really thoughtful reflections.
Child O - "I hope to take part in Easter in a Box next year" this was in reflection to the final activity - What do you hope for?
Child A - "I've actually liked this and feel I've got something from it!"
Child M - "I was able to share what I know and feel in a safe space."
Child I - "I don't want to miss the last sessions."
The Chaplaincy team will run the sessions next year and hopefully we will be able to open them up to a larger amount of children to enjoy.
The Big Lent Walk
All children are taking part by walking as far as they can over the 40 days of Lent. Children should record their totals daily and bring them in to school once a week to be recorded.
Monday - Reception & Year 5
Tuesday - Year 1 & Year 6
Wednesday - Year 2
Thursday - Year 3
Friday - Year 4
Donations to CAFOD can be made through clicking the link below
Update 26.03.24
We are nearing the end of Lent and out Big Lent Walk. It has been a struggle at times to gather the distances in from the classes but we are getting nearer to our totals.
We have recorded 5,366.9 km of our target of 6,000 km and we have raised £230 of our £250 target. Keep pushing!
CAFOD Live Simply Award
The Chaplaincy team are leading the school to achieve the Live Simply Award.
The Live Simply award is an opportunity for Catholic communities - parishes, schools, religious orders and chaplaincies - to respond to that invitation.
The award invites groups to celebrate how they already live simply and gives them the focus and
inspiration to go further.
The Big Lent Walk recording sheet
Chaplaincy meeting 12.01.2024
The Chaplaincy team have decided they would like the school to take part in CAFODs Big Walk fundraising campaign. More details will follow...
Values Certificate winners 08/01/2014
Congratulations to our Values certificate winners. All pupils are showing an in-depth knowledge of our values and how to show them. Keep up the hard work!
The Singing group on tour!
The Key Stage 2 singing group have been supporting the local community by sharing joy and kindness whilst visiting local residential homes. The children demonstrated solidarity and care for others during their visits.
Nativity 2023
The whole school took part in 'There's Something Amazing going on'. Through this story the children learnt about the true meaning of Christmas. Year 6 supported Reception to retell the story for all to enjoy. Many of the children demonstrated fantastic acting skills and shared their lines well so the audience were able to follow the message being shared.
Christmas jumper day Thursday 7 December
Many children and staff wore Christmas Jumpers to raise money for Save the Children. The collection is still ongoing but we have raised £79. Thank you for your generosity.
New to You Uniform
Some Year 6 pupils offered to help set up a 'new to you' uniform stall on the playground. Families are able to come and take uniform which has been donated to the school. If able they can leave a donation which will go towards a charity of choice.
All classes have been making bunting which is being sent to brighten up Children's hospital wards for Christmas. The children have enjoyed thinking of others and sharing their love.
SVP Visit 17 October 2023
Members of the SVP support group from the Holy Ghost Church visited us today for worship. They told us what they do and how they support families around Yeovil. They have helped us by taking your food donations to the Lord's Larder.
The Chaplaincy team are going to work the SVP to raise some more donations throughout the year. Further information about this will be shared when it is organised.
Harvest Mass 2023
Thank you to all those who have donated. We will be sending all donations to the Lord's Larder, who help local people who don't have enough to eat. Hopefully we are going to arrange for a member of staff to come and talk with the children about their work and the support they give to the local community. The SVP, a group from the Holy Ghost Church, work with the Lord's Larder and will be coming to talk with the school about the donations and the work they do.
It was lovely to see so many family members in school for the Mass.
CAFOD donations 2022-2023
Thank you to all those who donated to our CAFOD fund raising class events. Thanks to you we were able to make a group donation of £185. Well done everyone!
Top playground development day
A big thank you to all of the families who came in to school on Saturday 20th May. Throughout the day we worked hard to dig up the area and improve the soil quality. When this was completed the children enjoyed 'planting' the wild meadow.
It is currently growing but it is a slow process.
Top playground development day
World Down Syndrome Day 21/03/2023
The children (and staff) across the school enjoyed wearing 'odd' socks to school. This started conversations and discussions about why; we then talked about Down Syndrome.
The Dunstan Catholic Educational Trust Values
Catenian Public Speaking Competition
For the second year running St Gildas will be taking part in the Catenian and Dunstan Partnership Public Speaking competition. The final will be held on Friday 24th February. We will be holding a inter school competition on Wednesday 1st February and currently have 6 teams competing. Each team is selecting their own theme to speak on from the Catholic Social Teaching strands.