St Gildas Catholic Primary School

Care, Courtesy, Consideration and Congratulations

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Curriculum developments

At St Gildas we are following the National Curriculum and using supplementary resources to guide and plan from.  These include:

NCETM maths guidance, including the Curriculum Prioritisation and Mastery Maths,

A Journey in Love - RSE scheme

SCARF - PSHE scheme

Music Express

Twinkl - MFL scheme of work

Teach Computing

We are currently working together across the school to bring as much learning together to ensure our pupils learn more and remember more.  The golden thread of this will be language and vocabulary development.

Further information about each subject can be found by clicking the links for each subject.

St Gildas Curriculum intent

Curriculum Development 2019

At St Gildas we believe our curriculum should reflect what we want our pupils to achieve by the end of their time with us.  We are currently developing our curriculum to reflect this.  All staff, pupils, parents and Governors will have the opportunity to inform what our curriculum looks like.  We will continue to use the National Curriculum to teach from and use this to monitor progress.

Communication will be at the heart of our curriculum and staff will be setting high expectations for all pupils to communicate effectively in order to achieve positive outcomes.

When our curriculum is complete we will share subject planning along with subject scripts to demonstrate what each subject will look like in St Gildas. 

Our Curriculum will meet the needs of all of our pupils and ensure we are complying with our duties in the Equality Act 2010, please see our Single Equality Policy, and the Special Educational Needs and Disability regulations 2014, please see our SEND information.

The school is organised in seven classes, each with its own teacher. The children are grouped in a single year band, with no mixed age classes. All children in Years 1-6 will be taught within the structure of the National Curriculum.


Curriculum Statement September 2014

The Department for Education set out a new framework for the National Curriculum at Key Stages 1 and 2 from September 2014.  We will continue to offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based, which promotes the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of all of our pupils and which prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.  We will continue to provide a daily act of collective worship and to teach religious education to every pupil.  We will continue to provide every pupil with personal, social and health education (PSHE).


The National Curriculum

This provides an outline of the core knowledge around which our teachers will continue to develop exciting and stimulating lessons to promote the development of our pupils' knowledge, understanding and skills.  The Secretary of State for Education has published Programmes of Study for each subject which set out the subject matter, skills and processes to be taught at each Key Stage. Teachers in our school then choose how they organise the school day and how they teach the content of the Programmes of Study. Click below link for further information.​



Core Subjects

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science


Foundation Subjects

  • Art and Design
  • Computing
  • Design and Technology
  • Geography
  • History
  • Music
  • Physical Education


A Modern Foreign Language is also compulsory at Key Stage 2. In our school this is Spanish across all year groups and French is introduced in Year 6.

In addition, we are required to teach Religious Education to both Key Stages.



Our teachers set high expectations for every pupil and use appropriate assessment to set ambitious targets for individuals and whole year groups.  Lessons are planned to ensure that there are no barriers to each child achieving. Potential areas of difficulty for individuals are identified and addressed at the start of each new unit of work.


Numeracy and Mathematics

Our teachers use every relevant subject to develop our pupils' mathematical fluency and to increase confidence in numeracy and other mathematical skills.


Language and Literacy

Our teachers develop pupils' spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary whilst teaching every subject. Fluency in the English language is an important foundation for success in all subjects.  Our pupils are taught to speak clearly and express their ideas confidently using Standard English.  Our teachers develop pupils' reading and writing in all subjects to support their gaining of knowledge.  Our teachers develop vocabulary actively, building systematically on pupils' current knowledge. It is vital that we introduce our pupils to language which defines each subject in its own right, such as accurate mathematical and scientific vocabulary.


For much of the time children will study the 'core' curriculum - English, Science and Mathematics. The children will also be taught R.E.


Curriculum Plans

Please see your child’s class page for the long term plan for their year group.

08-10-18 Guidance to help spelling across the school
