Emergency Procedures
As we have the majority of staff able to walk to school and have staff from further afield with the perseverance to drive to Yeovil, the school will only close in very exceptional circumstances, such as:
- heating failure
- fall of snow so heavy that we cannot clear paths
- severe icy conditions on site and around the school
- closure of the kitchens providing our hot meals
- if Somerset Local Authority advise all schools to close
If we get early morning snowfall, please bring your children to school when it is safe for you to walk or travel in. Also, if there is a lot of snow during the day, it is your judgement whether to collect your child earlier than 3.25 pm if you have to travel or would have difficulty getting home safely. If snow has settled all after-school clubs will be cancelled!
Please telephone (or send an email to) the school to inform us that your child/ren will not be coming into school, so we know they are safe with you! (Please see the Contact Details page.)
We will endeavour to let all families know via email of any recommendations relating to changes in the normal school routine and timings.
This website will also be updated as soon as any decision has been made which would change our normal routine.
Closures due to severe weather conditions will also be notified on the Somerset Learning Platform website at https://slp.somerset.org.uk/ (see School Notifications and Closures).
If in any doubt please telephone the school on 01935 423630.