St Gildas Catholic Primary School

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PE and Sport Premium

Curriculum - Sports and Physical Education


​Our children participate in a wide range of physical activities designed to develop P.E. skills and promote a healthy lifestyle.  These take place in our well-equipped hall, on our 'multi-sport' outdoor court, at Mudford Recreation Ground, which is a short walk away, or using the facilities of secondary schools or other sports venues in the Yeovil area.


Qualified sports coaches work alongside staff to provide high quality coaching and develop our links to community sports clubs.  Young Sports Leaders from upper KS2 provide support for children in school by, for example, running after school activities.


The children in KS2 classes have weekly swimming lessons for one term each academic year at Goldenstones Swimming Pool.  We have now introduced 5 weekly sessions for Years 1 and 2 in the Summer term as well.  We request a parental contribution for swimming, which contributes towards the cost of transportation by coach, the hire of the pool and some of the tuition.


We also compete in cross country, indoor athletics, football, tag rugby, basketball and netball matches against other schools on a regular basis and take part in the Yeovil inter-school Area Sports and Swimming Gala.  Cricket and rounders are played in the Summer term.  Sports Leaders produce Sports Reports for the school: Cross Country​, Hockey​​, High Fives​.


Schools receive additional funding from the government to promote and develop sport in school.  To find out how we used this funding last year, see our report on PE and sports grant funding.

The PE and sport premium is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils.

Sports Grant Funding Report

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.