Homework 2. Due 11.10.24
Below is the homework schedule for year 4. Completing homework regularly is an important part of reinforcing what we learn in class. By following the homework schedule, your child will have more opportunities to practice key skills and deepen their understanding, which will help them feel more confident and successful throughout the year.
All children will be given a homework book. These need to be looked after and most homework will need to be done in here unless told otherwise. Homework will be set on Fridays and will be due in on the following Friday.
Children are expected to read at home at least three times a week. Reading records should be used to record when they have read. We will check reading records every Friday.
I have attached a year 3/4 word list below. These are the words that children are expected to be able to spell by the end of year 4.
Thank you for your support