DCET policy
Year 2 visit to the local Mosque
Year 4 visit to the local Mosque
Year 5 visit to the local Mosque
Years 2, 4 and 5 visited the local Mosque and found out about prayer life of Muslims. Our Muslim pupils were very excited to share their knowledge and their Mosque.
Thank you to Mrs Khan and Mr Limbada for allowing us to visit and your hospitality whilst we were there.
During the year some classes will be trialling the new RE curriculum. Years 3 and Reception will be using this to plan and teach from. The staff are attending regular planning sessions with the Diocese to ensure it is followed accurately.
Topics for the year:
Prophecy & Promise
Galilee to Jerusalem
End of the Earth
Dialogue & Encounter
Introducing Pentecost
Year 1 Pentecost art work
Pentecost Introduction in Year 1
The children have enjoyed learning and new song exploring Pentecost. They explored movement linked to Pentecost, focusing on the wind.