St Gildas Catholic Primary School

Care, Courtesy, Consideration and Congratulations

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1


Happy New Year!

We hope you all had a great holiday and we are looking forward to seeing you on Monday 6th January.

Please note that our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday this term.


Doodle maths is now available for your child. Log in passwords are stuck inside the front cover of your child's reading record. We have added some simpler maths to do as some people reported that it was rather challenging. Thank you for the feedback. 


Please send in food donations (tins or packets) next week for our Harvest Mass (for the Lords Larder)which takes place on Wednesday. These donations can be given to class teacher or taken to the foyer outside the school office.


On Thursday 10.10.24 it is World Mental Health Day and the children can wear an item of yellow clothing. 

Friday 27th September 2024

Mufti Day - wear sports clothes and bring in 50p donation please.

Thank you to everyone who came to the spelling meeting. It was great to see so many of you. We will be using the the grapheme chart below with the children when they are writing. 

Grapheme chart as shown at the spelling meeting

Thank you to everyone who came to our class meeting on Thursday - it was great to see so many of you!

Please remember to email if you have any concerns or about absence from school.

We are looking forward to seeing the children on Wednesday 4th September.


Meet the staff

This half term we are using the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Common Exception words for the children to read, write and spell.

Relationships and Sex Education info...

Over the course of the year, our school will be delivering the Relationships and sex education (RSE) aspect of our PSHE programme. This programme is designed to help children make healthy choices and keep themselves safe during their school years and beyond. RSE has now become a legal requirement therefore all children are required to participate in lessons.  The design of the programme has taken into account the requirements of the statutory guidance, up-to-date best practice guidance, and the needs of our children.


The lesson coverage can be found in the RSE/PHSE planning overview throughout the year and in ‘Journey in Love’, an RSE Unit that is covered in the Summer Term. 


Any questions, please ask. 


‘Journey in Love’ RSE Unit objectives for Year 1: 

We meet God’s Love in our family.

I can recognise how I stay safe, keep fit and healthy in my family.

I can recognise how I am cared for and kept safe in my family.

I can label body parts.  I can discuss and explain new vocabulary 

I can celebrate ways God loves and cares for me.

How does God love and care for us?

I can recognise how I can bring peace and harmony in my family.

I can reflect God’s love for us.


Harold is coming to visit Year 1. Life Bus/Base Visit to Year 1.
