St Gildas Catholic Primary School

Care, Courtesy, Consideration and Congratulations

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1


Week beginning 08.07.24

This week in PSHE we will be talking about Keeping privates private.

Children will be able to:


  • Identify parts of the body that are private;
  • Describe ways in which private parts can be kept private;
  • Identify people they can talk to about their private parts.

Week beginning 01.07.24

This week in PSHE we will be talking about secrets and surprises. 

  • We will talk about the difference between  a secret and a nice surprise.
  • Identify situations as being secrets or surprises.
  • Identify who they can talk to if they feel uncomfortable about any secrey they are told, or told to keep.

07.03.24    World Book Day

Some fantastic ideas and words!!!

Thank you so much for helping your child enjoy today.

Mufti day Friday 8th March - please bring in an Easter egg for the Easter bingo.


In PSHE this week we are talking about medicine. 

Children will be able to:

  • Understand that medicines can sometimes make people feel better when they’re ill; 
  • Explain simple issues of safety and responsibility about medicines and their use.


This week in PSHE we will be using the NSPCC guidance called PANTS.

Our lesson will cover: 

  • Understand and learn the PANTS rules; 
  • Name and know which parts should be private; 
  • Explain the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch; 
  • Understand that they have the right to say “no” to unwanted touch; 
  • Start thinking about who they trust and who they can ask for help. 

Friday 15th December

You can come to school in party clothes today as we have the disco in the morning. 

As we have been learning about Paddington Bear this half term the children can bring in a toy to meet our Paddington Bear. We will have a class party in the afternoon playing some games  for everyone to join in and have fun!

As you will have seen in the newsletter we had to cancel the school disco but will be having a disco day at school on Friday. Tickets are available from the School gateway app. Please purchase a ticket to support the Friends of St Gildas and also so that the whole class can attend the disco together. You are able to come into school in disco/party clothes if you are attending the disco!!


Monday 4th December

Mufti Day - please bring in a luxury item for the raffle hampers e.g. chocolate, bubble bath, bottles...


We will be making Gingerbread this week in school - please let us know if your child has any allergies to these ingredients - flour, baking powder, ginger, butter, sugar, golden syrup and egg.


Thursday 7th December is Christmas Jumper day.

Disco after school 5-6 pm - check newsletter for how to get tickets!


Mufti for Children in Need

Tuesday 14th November 9:00-9:30

Please stay and watch a phonics lesson. We continue on from the phonics learnt in Reception Class and you can see how the children have progressed and what we expect from them.


Thank you to everyone who attended our Parent Evenings last week it was lovely to meet you. If you were unable to attend please contact us via email to arrange a 5 min meeting after school.


This half term our main story book is Paddington. We are looking at his clothes this week. Please can you send wellington boots in with your child from Tuesday so that we can have some fun stomping around the playground. DO NOT buy any if you do not have boots at home - we'll have some spare. We will only be using them for a couple of days and then they can come back home for the weekend. Thank you.


Please feel free to email the class teachers Miss Wood and Mrs Willis if you have any questions or concerns.

On Monday 16th October Year 1 are going for a walk around Yeovil. Please can you make sure that they all have coats in school as the weather is looking a bit colder next week!!    Thank you. 

Year 1 adults ( Miss Wood and Mrs Eftmia photos to add!)

This half term we are using the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Common Exception words for the children to read, write and spell.

Relationships and Sex Education info...

Over the course of the year, our school will be delivering the Relationships and sex education (RSE) aspect of our PSHE programme. This programme is designed to help children make healthy choices and keep themselves safe during their school years and beyond. RSE has now become a legal requirement therefore all children are required to participate in lessons.  The design of the programme has taken into account the requirements of the statutory guidance, up-to-date best practice guidance, and the needs of our children.


The lesson coverage can be found in the RSE/PHSE planning overview throughout the year and in ‘Journey in Love’, an RSE Unit that is covered in the Summer Term. 


Any questions, please ask. 


‘Journey in Love’ RSE Unit objectives for Year 1: 

We meet God’s Love in our family.

I can recognise how I stay safe, keep fit and healthy in my family.

I can recognise how I am cared for and kept safe in my family.

I can label body parts.  I can discuss and explain new vocabulary 

I can celebrate ways God loves and cares for me.

How does God love and care for us?

I can recognise how I can bring peace and harmony in my family.

I can reflect God’s love for us.


Harold is coming to visit Year 1. Life Bus/Base Visit to Year 1.
