School Values
Our School Mission Statement
Our Mission at St Gildas is to provide high quality education in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment that builds on a foundation of gospel values: kindness, truth, courage, justice, hope, the love of God and of each other. We show this by being caring, courteous and considerate to each other and celebrating each other’s successes. As a Catholic school, we learn about God and His church. We learn together, we play together, and we pray together especially in the celebration of Collective Worship. We belong to a diverse community celebrating faiths and cultures that are part of the wider world by sharing, respecting, and understanding others. We will try our hardest to encourage everyone in our St Gildas school family to work together for the common good promoting respect, fairness, and love.
Our school motto is: Where learning and God are one. |
Together, the staff and governors aim to provide a safe, happy, caring and well-ordered environment in which learning can take place and where each child is valued as an individual. The school aims to help children to:
Equality Statement
In support of our Mission Statement, we are committed to advancing equality of opportunity and fostering good relations between people from different groups and to eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
When implementing this policy, we will take account of the racial, cultural and religious backgrounds of our children, those with disabilities which affect behaviour and those with other relevant protected characteristics.
All staff, both teaching and non-teaching, work together to create a supportive atmosphere in which children are encouraged to respect and care for each other and their environment. Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own personal behaviour. We actively foster good behaviour, preferring positive praise to negative criticism. Each family will receive a copy of the optional Home-School agreement, which sets our our expectations and clarifies responsibilities of both parents and the school. Parents are pupils are invited to sign this agreement with the school. If we are concerned about a child's behaviour we will involve parents as early as possible so that we can work together to solve any problems before any extreme action becomes necessary. We ask for your support and cooperation in these matters to ensure a safe and happy school society in which your child can learn and develop. The school rules are founded on the Christian ethic: loving God and each other. We have a code of practice which is known as the 3 Cs - care, courtesy and consideration. They are a reflection of a child's right to be safe, secure and happy in school. But children need to learn that every right is balanced by a responsibility, so that as individuals they have a responsibility to safeguard their own and other children's rights. There is a system of rewards and sanctions to support positive behaviour. |
Parents The school believes in an active and supportive partnership between school and home as an essential ingredient for a child's successful and happy education. Parents are always welcome in school. We hope that parents of prospective pupils will visit the school in order to assess the opportunities provided for their children and to meet the staff. Each year, in the summer term, we hold a meeting for new parents and we invite the children, starting school in September, to spend several afternoon sessions in their classroom and meet their teacher and classmates. Once children have started school we try to maintain close contact with the parents informally, and through planned parent/teacher meetings twice a year. A written report is sent home once a year. Progress and problems can be discussed at any time, by appointment made through the school office.
We have a number of parents who are kind enough to help us in school; cooking or sewing, reading with a small group, or hearing children read. Parents also accompany the children swimming and to sporting fixtures. We are very appreciative of all those who are willing to help in whatever way they can. Any adult volunteer working in or out of school with the children must be cleared by the Disclosure and Barring Service, to safeguard children. This Disclosure procedure can be done through the school office.
There is a Parent Teacher Association and all parents with children at the school are members. The PTA is an essential part of our community. They not only fund raise for the school but also provide a social focus for parents and children. They organise discos and Christmas presents for the children and have an Annual Summer Fete which is highly successful. A Committee of volunteers from the P.T.A. meet regularly at the school and any parent or carer is welcome to attend. We welcome the involvement of friends and families in the working of the school. Volunteers from the parish help in school on a regular basis. Parish groups are invited to attend the presentations which children prepare for festivals such as Harvest celebrations and Christmas.
The children help members of the wider community in fund-raising for the British Legion, Yeovil Night Shelter, the Lord’s Larder and C.A.F.O.D. (Catholic Association for Overseas Development). Children also raise funds for various appeals including Children in Need, local hospices, Comic Relief and Sport Relief and International Book Aid.
We enjoy a close and mutually supportive relationship with our parish, the Holy Ghost Catholic Church. Please follow the link to see the parish website. |