St Gildas Catholic Primary School

Care, Courtesy, Consideration and Congratulations

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Contact Details


Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!




My email address is 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have an issue or question. Please include your child's name in the subject box and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Your Teachers!

Welcome to the Summer term.


Our PE sessions this half term will be a bit different this term. Our session on a Tuesday afternoon will carry on as normal, starting on the first day back. Please can all children have their PE kits with them. 


Then on week 1 and week 6 we will have our second session on a Wednesday morning. On weeks 2 and 3, our PE lesson will be on Friday afternoon, then in  weeks 4 and 5 we will be going to Mudford rec on a Friday afternoon. 


Mrs. Bennett

Welcome back to school for the second part of the Autumn term. I hope that you all had a lovely half term break. 


Our PE sessions this half term will be Tuesdays and Fridays. With two of the sessions on a Friday being up at Mudford Rec. I will remind you that the children cannot wear any jewellery during PE lessons and if they cannot remove it themselves then they should not wear it to school. Children will also need trainers for the Friday sessions as they will be outside. 


Mrs Bennett

Welcome to the new school year. It has been lovely getting to know the children this week and I look forward to getting to know their parents as well.

For your information:

Our class TA is Mrs Cambridge.

We are having an information evening after school on Wednesday 14th September. All parents are welcome to come up and see the classroom and I will be telling you about the expectations for the year and what we will be doing this year. It will start at 3.30pm and should last about 10mins. I lookforward to seeing you all then.



Our PE lessons this term will be on Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday mornings. Children need to come into school in their school uniform and bring their PE kits with them to change into. They will then change back into their uniforms. Please can you make sure that all items are labelled with your child's name. 


Thank you


Mrs Bennett 
