Saturday 4th September
Please be aware of a new app called Monkey. It is a video app where you can video contact complete strangers.
As always be vigilant of the apps your child(ren) are using and remove anything that you feel is unsafe or not being used safely.
Guidance for screen time at home 21/01/2021
January 2020
I will be publishing an online safety bulletin every term. This will have useful hints and tips on what Parents/Carers can do at home to support the online safety training we deliver at school. If you have any questions about the information or would like further guidance or support please ask.
Mrs Alison Frost
Online safety support for Parents
Online Safety Policy 2019
Please ensure that any child who has access to a mobile phone are monitored to ensure they are being safe online. Anything that is said or shared with another person via a mobile phone should not be viewed as harmful or hurtful as this can be classed as a Police issue.
Please check what children are using their phones for on a regular basis as we are not able to do this, it is a Parental responsibility. I am speaking with Parents on a weekly basis about children who have received offensive messages via mobile phones. We will continue informing children how to behave on line but we can't monitor their use, it is a Parental responsibility.
Staying safe online
Please keep updated on e-safety by looking at our safeguarding page.
Always be careful when you are using the internet. It can help you to keep in touch with your friends and help your education – but it can also cause harm – to you and to others.
Remember help is always available at school if you are having any problems online.
Don’t be afraid to talk to your teacher or another adult at school.
If you or anyone you know is worried about Child Exploitation, Online Protection or anything related to Internet safety please click the link below which will take you to the CEOP reporting website:
Tips for staying safe online:
Make sure you keep new online friends strictly online. If someone you don't know asks to be your online friend you must ensure an adult knows about it.
Please ensure that any computer at home has the parental controls set so that children cannot access inappropriate sites even accidentally.