St Gildas Catholic Primary School

Care, Courtesy, Consideration and Congratulations

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Friends of St Gildas

Every parent, carer, family member and staff member is automatically a member of the Friends of St Gildas.  The Friends of St Gildas raises funds through a variety of family friendly activities to support the school.  We donate funds every year so that classes can visit exciting and interesting places to help their learning.  We also support activities in school with resources and practical help and have raised money to replace the play equipment on the main playground.  

This year has been a challenging time and fundraising has to take an alternative way.  We would normally share a yearly schedule of events for you to sign up and offer your support.  This year we will be sharing events on the school website and via the school's Facebook page. If you are able to help with these then please do contact one of the members of the committee or email Miss Dyer ( to let us know. 


If you buy online, you can earn money for the school through Easyfundraising.  Every time you make a purchase online, many well known companies will donate money for free to Friends of St Gildas.  There is no additional cost to you. 

If you have an idea for a fundraiser or would like to offer your services for an event then please contact a member of the committee.  Messages can be passed on via the school office.


Committee members:





Elaine White

Vice Chair



Rachel Crowe


Serena Cambridge

 Staff link Danielle Dyer

 Sam Lester

