St Gildas Catholic Primary School

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Welcome to our Governors’ section


St Gildas is a Catholic Primary School which is part of the Dunstan Catholic Educational Trust and its Local Governing Committee consists of both appointed and elected governors, namely:

  • 6 Foundation Governors (Appointed by the Bishop of Clifton in consultation with the Parish priest)
  • 2 Parent Governors (Elected by parents/carers)
  • 1 Staff Governor (Elected by staff)
  • The Head Teacher (ex-officio)


Currently, our Governors are:


Martin Twist

Foundation Governor

Responsibilities: Chair of the Local Governing Committee & SEND

Date Appointed: 01 March 2022

Appointing Body: Diocese of Clifton

Term of Office: 28 Feb 2026

Business Interests: None

Governance Roles in other educational institutions: None


Kate Reynolds

Foundation Governor


Date Appointed: 01 March 2022

Appointing Body: Diocese of Clifton

Term of Office: 28 Feb 2026

Business Interests: None

Governance Roles in other educational institutions: Head of The Royal High School, Bath


Bernice Cooke

Foundation Governor

Responsibilities: Safeguarding

Date Appointed: 01 March 2022

Appointing Body: Diocese of Clifton

Term of Office: 28 Feb 2026

Business Interests: None

Governance Roles in other educational institutions: None


Kaone Sibanda

Foundation Governor 

Responsibilities: Religious Education

Date Appointed: 27 January 2023

Appointing Body: Diocese of Clifton

Term of Office: 26 January 2027

Business Interests: None

Governance Roles in other educational institutions: None


Katherine Steele

Foundation Governor


Date Appointed: 12 February 2024

Appointing Body: Diocese of Clifton

Term of Office: 11 February 2028

Business Interests: None

Governance Roles in other educational institutions: None


Jayne Foxwell

Staff Governor 


Date Appointed: 27 February 2024

Appointing Body: Staff

Term of Office: 26 February 2028

Business Interests: Employed by the Trust

Governance Roles in other educational institutions: None


Alison Frost

Staff Governor - Ex-officio 

Responsibilities: Headteacher

Date Appointed: N/A

Appointing Body: Governing Board

Term of Office: N/A

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Employed by the Trust

Governance Roles in other educational institutions: None


Governors who have served in the last 12 months

Denise Dyer

Staff Governor


Date Appointed: 01 November 2022

Appointing Body: Staff

Term of Office: 31 August 2023

Business Interests: None

Governance Roles in other educational institutions: None


Jason Court

Parent Governor


Date Appointed: 24 May 2021

Appointing Body: Parents

Term of Office: 16 October 2023

Business Interests: None

Governance Roles in other educational institutions: None


Ann Barrow

Foundation Governor


Date Appointed: 01 March 2022

Appointing Body: Diocese of Clifton

Term of Office: 31 December 2023

Business Interests: None

Governance Roles in other educational institutions: None


The Governing Body is currently seeking to recruit a Foundation Governor,  Parent Governor and a Staff Governor.


The Governing Body is the school's accountable body. It is responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. The Governing Body aims to ensure that children are attending a successful school which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being.


Governors serve a four year term in a voluntary role and provide values, attitudes and knowledge of the world, as well as any particular expertise, for the greater good of the school and its pupils. The management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher.


Governors need to register any business interests they may have during each meeting.



Further information regarding Governance and Leadership can be found by following this link:
