St Gildas Catholic Primary School

Care, Courtesy, Consideration and Congratulations

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Attendance celebration

Thursday 16th July 2020

More attendance awards have just been decided.

A £20 Cineworld voucher has been won by Casey for the highest attendance % from Reception - Year 6 - 99.4% WOW well done!!

Another £20 Cineworld voucher has been won by George.  His name was drawn out of the 25 names for 100% attendance this year.  Well done George.

The final prize of a £50 Cineworld voucher has been won by Finlay.  This is the prize which is given yearly by selecting 1 name from the raffle tickets that are given out for 100% attendance each half term.

If children are not in school prizes will either be posted or can be collected from school tomorrow.

Well done everyone.
