St Gildas Catholic Primary School

Care, Courtesy, Consideration and Congratulations

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Incident in The Avenue 29 November 2018

Parents were made aware, earlier this week, that Mr Moffat would be absent today and that there would not be a crossing patrol either at the start or the end of the school day. With that in mind, you were also asked to remember to take care in crossing the road and to park considerately.Yet again, I am writing to you as a result of another incident which occurred this morning. We have been contacted by a member of our community who has video evidence of a confrontation between some of our parents and the warden of Crofton Court after she reminded them not to park on the pavements.


The warden was then verbally abused and intimated by this group, in front of several of our children. This type of behaviour is completely unacceptable and the footage and registration plate of the car involved will be passed to the police.
